We focus on Stock and Sector Investing Strategies using an algorithmic trading model analyzing MACD, Money Flow,
Momentum and Relative Volume indicators to select Stocks and ETFs. The portfolio is predominantly long,
but can go short for specific time periods if market conditions warrant it. We make money in both up and down markets.
A small select group of 2x Index ETFs are also key parts of our portfolio mix.
This is a momentum strategy that seeks out the top performing stocks and sectors
and has been proven to beat the SP500 performance, even in extremely challenging times.
Follow our 3 different portfolios: the Top 3 Sector Portfolio, up 61% in the past 12 months v.s. SP500's +27%
as of 1/24/24
We also feature the Aggressive Growth Portfolio a hybrid mix of stocks/ETFs which has
gained 77% in the past year.
And our newest portfolio - The Top 3 Plus Stock/Sector/Dividend Stock Portfolio is up 95%,
which utilizes a momentum-based strategy that weights up best performing stocks and sector ETFs, for
high risk/high reward investors. Our best stocks past 12 months: Nvidia +327%, Meta +227% and AMD +183%.
Join our Gold Members group (7 day free trial), and get real time alerts on every trade we place, intraday stock alerts for hot new breakouts, and a Sunday Night Strategy report that sets our investing plan for the upcoming week, what stocks and Sectors we are buying now, current Buy/Sell stops, our "Stock Of the Week" as
well as an in-depth analysis of the market direction and the challenges it's facing.
We will analyze any stock or ETF you are thinking about purchasing, with our analysis sent to you the same day as request. You will have direct interaction and partnership with our technical analysis team that we guarantee will
greatly increase your stock market returns.
Highest Total Return through Stocks and Sector ETFs in industries that disrupt, innovate and
improve the way the world works. Our goal every year is to beat the SP500 index, which we have
been doing since we started publishing our site in 2017.
We publish our market report every day, usually between 11:30 am and Noon, as it allows time for the market to find
its trend for the day. On highly volatile sessions, we will post a closing report around 5:30 pm Eastern.
Always check our "Hot Charts Of The Day" for stocks and ETFs currently in the news and getting high money flows.
Another area to review is the "Buy/Sell Stops" section of the Top 3 Sector Portfolio for the latest information.
Subscribers get a daily morning email report on hot stocks and breaking news on the market.
We will send an intraday email alert if we buy a new stock or ETF.